I believe that SMILE is contagious !

I believe that SMILE is contagious !

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Marriage and Shoes

Marriage is like choosing a pair of shoes yang akan kita pakai seumur hidup.
Terdengar menakutkan kah?
Buat yang koleksi sepatu mungkin iya.
Tapi kurang lebih keadaannya memang seperti itu.
Daripada pilih yang modelnya keliatan bagus tapi dipakai sakit, lebih baik pilih yang biasa aja tapi nyaman dipakai.

Pada umumnya, sebagai manusia normal, kita memang selalu tergiur dengan sepatu yang modelnya bagus. Sampai kemudian kita coba pakai dan ternyata sakit. Seunik, semenarik atau sebagus apapun keliatannya sepatu itu, sebagian besar orang yang pintar akan menaruh kembali sepatu itu di rak walaupun dengan berat hati. Well, daripada menderita seumur hidup.

Sebagian lainnya, bakal tetap maksain membeli sepatu itu dengan alasan “terlanjur suka”. Mungkin sambil mikir “gpp deh sakit dikit, I can handle this kind of pain.. I really like this shoes!” dan mereka terus berjalan dalam kesakitan sampai pada titik dimana mereka tidak tahan lagi.. baru kemudian bercerai.

Sekarang, jika kita lihat dari perspektif sebaliknya..
Gimana caranya ya jadi sepatu yang nyaman?
Supaya waktu kita ketemu “that great man” and he decide to try to put us on, he’s not going to feel hurt, and abandon us.
Yup! We need to be comfortable shoes so that he’ll decide to wear us forever.
It’s our homework to shape ourself rightly, fellow shoes!
We need to understand them, being there for them, listen to their problems, care about them sincerely, stop being selfish, and.. take care of our personal appearance. Sepatu yang nyaman kalo modelnya terlalu butut juga kan susah ^^

Monday, March 28, 2011

a good heart

One wrong decision can affect our whole life tremendously..
a decision to love.
and a decision to leave.
Sometimes we decide to leave a person who’s been there all along to pursue love of another.
Only to find in the end, what we decide to leave.. is our true happiness.
Life’s going to be so much easier if there’s a sign or precaution that pops out when we’re about to make a wrong decision.
Here’s the good news.. There is!
It is called a good heart.
Your heart knows what it wants. Keep it pure, ego-free. Don’t let it affected by movies, songs, or even fairy tales.
It’s so scary how this little part of human complexity has so much power.
It can bring you up to the highest sky, or down to the deepest shit.

So, the question is..
Can you trust your heart?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

1 second away

This is the truth you might not realize
about what's going on deep in my heart

I have 101 ways to make you happy
For a second I think "Eh, we might be able to work it out"
For a second I was going to tell you

I selected your name on my phone
I typed those words that will change our life forever
Hey.. we are only 1 second away from our happiness :)

Only 1 second away

1 click away

But then I changed my mind..

On that particulat moment, you might be sleeping or walking or playing with your dogs

You were 1 second away from your happiness

But you never knew..

You will never know.