I believe that SMILE is contagious !

I believe that SMILE is contagious !

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'll do anything to see you this happy

Yeah,, anything..

We can't get it back..

In life, there are 4 things you can’t get back :

The stone
after the throw…

The word
after it’s said…

The action
after it’s done…

And, the time
after it has passed…

So be careful of what you throw, of what you speak, of what you do, and of what you let pass by…

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'll need my rainbow after the rain..

in front of me is a laptop yang kadar panasnya setara dengan setrikaan akibat 6 jam belom istirahat, and inside of me is a brain yang kadar panasnya telah melampaui segala bentuk setrikaan akibat lebih dari seminggu belom istirahat.
(I'm not exaggerating!)
Minggu-minggu terakhir ini boleh dibilang minggu yang cukup menguras fisik dan mental. So much things to do yang bikin physically exhausted, but I can sleep. Too bad ga semua kelelahan bisa diobati dengan cara tidur :)

I'm tired
Tired of making item analysis until late at night
Tired of lifting those jackets around
Tired of selling those snacks
Tired of eating those rice when it didn't sold out
Tired of raising funds

Yeah, I really am tired.

But it's nothing compared to the tiredness of caring
not wanting to burden you
not wanting you to know how tired I am

So please tell me that there's a rainbow after the rain

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Backpacking to europe?

Sebentar lagi liburr!! ^.^ tinggal menghitung hari..
3 bulan waktu kosong itu sekarang rasanya panjaaanngg banget, dan gw lagi jungkir balik mikirin mesti ngapain yah buat ngisi liburan itu..

Option 1: Jalan-jalan
Tapi sama siapaa? Yang libur kan gw doang sementara bokap nyokap pasti masih sibuk.. Sekarang berhubung gw uda punya 2 keponakan yang lucu, kay & mich, berarti kalo liburan sekeluarga perginya ber-10. Rame yaahh?! Hahahaa.. ngatur jadwalnya itu loh yg susah..
Naahh.. kebetulan dea, si teman yang paling ngerti aja deh disini ada temennya yang lagi bingung mo ngapain pas libur, ngajakin backpacking ke europe. Uwaahh. Option ini paling menyenangkan sih, tapi rada kejauhan ngga yah ke eropa? Sendiri pula..
Fun-meter: 9

Option 2: Kursus
Kalo mau diitung-itung manfaatnya sih memang option itu paling oke.. Setidaknya 3 bulan ga terbuang sia-sia, lumayan juga siapa tau setelah liburan gw uda jago masak, jago nyetir, ato uda bisa ngobrol lancar sama Miroslav Klose, Ballack, dan para jerman lainnya *optimis berlebih*
Fun-meter: 7

Option 3: Bantu nyokap
Sekali-sekali berbakti pada orang tua, sekalian curi ilmu di proyek. Siapa tau di masa depan kalo klien lagi sepi bisa kerja sampingan jadi interior designer. Atau paling ngga bisa design rumah sendiri, hemat fee designer. Hahahaa.. Yang penting bantu nyokap! Tambahan ilmu saya anggap bonus..
Fun-meter: 6

Option 4: Tidur, makan, bertahan hidup sampai liburan berakhir
Yaah.. kalo emang ga bisa jalan-jalan, ga sempet kursus, dan males bantu nyokap berarti liburan ini gw akan berakhir jadi babi gendut di rumah. Tiap hari cuma tidur, makan, mandi, internetan, nonton dvd, tidur siang, makan, tidur sore, dan seterusnya.. Well, untuk sebagian orang mungkin aktivitas di atas = surga.. tapi rasanya gw ga mau menghabiskan seperempat tahun jadi babi, no offense untuk kaum babi, you're all cute. and pink. But i'm a proud human :)
even though we tend to do stupidity that even pig don't do, but i'm still a proud human.
Fun-meter: -10 !!

Monday, April 19, 2010

an afternoon tea..

As I soar my gaze to the depth of your eyes

I feel like flying up

in the infinite blue,

Climbing the rainbow,

crossing the clouds

Feeling soft blew of the wind within my face,

The flicker of gentle light tickling my very soul

Then I discover what I found:

A precious star, twinkling brightly, softly,

As if a hand reached out to me,

taking me out of this world that full of grace and lies

There in your precious star

I found an answer,

an endless truth

I feel the warmth nestling in,

This wish from the sky is coming to me,

And to the beauty of what’s in you

-Sitta Karina (on the book “Pesan Dari Bintang”)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oiyaa kita belom kenalaann?! and the 1st random fact..

So the name is grace =) Seperti yang uda dibilang sejak post pertama, gw ga punya pengalaman nulis. This blog boleh dibilang cuma modal nekad dan keinginan untuk mengisi waktu dengan hal-hal berguna. I've been wasting too much time watching those DVDs!! hahahahaa.. Well, mulai sekarang dibatesin deh 3 episodes/day (Err, I don't say I'm going to stop watching DVDs!)

By now you might be wondering, what's so wrong in wasting our time? We're youunngg!! True. But no, I don't want to be seonggok daging bernafas yang cuma bikin penuh dunia ini.. I want to do something, I want to be something.. in a positive way :]
Ga kebayang aja sih apa jadinya dunia kalo semua orang cuma mau makan, tidur, cari uang yang ujung-ujungnya untuk makan lebih enak dan tidur di kasur yang lebih empuk. Emang sih there's nothing wrong in sleeping and eating. In fact, I LOVE EATING but there's so much more we can do. It just annoys me soo much how some people see life as a playground and only think about having fun. Buat orang-orang yang masih percaya manusia itu evolusi dari monyet, at least prove that the monkey uda berevolusi.. stop acting like one. Hehehe. Jk!

That would be the 1st random fact about me =)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lesser living for a fuller life

Own less. Create more.

Buy less. Share more.

Work less. Play more.

Less media gazing. More sky gazing.

Less cellphone time. More reading time.

Less noise. More silence.

Less impulsive shopping. More frugal consuming.

Less wanting. More gratitude.

Less needing. More contentment.

Explain less. Act more.

Stress less. Laugh more.

Think less. Feel more.

Less promises. More surprises.

Less performances. More inquiries.

Less concepts. More experiments.

Answer less. Question more.

Comply less. Question more.

Believe less. Question more.

Less known. More unknown.

Less handed-down beliefs. More self-discoveries.

Less fixation. More freedom.

Talk less. Listen more.

Analyze less. Experience more.

Judge less. Observe more.

Less concrete. More soil.

Less tabloids. More trees.

Less smoking sections. More fresh air.

Criticize less. Appreciate more.

Object less. Understand more.

Exclude less. Include more.

Less knowledgeable. More innocence.

Less target. More acceptance.

Less doing something. More doing nothing.

Attach less. Release more.

Ignore less. Meditate more.

Fear less. Breathe more.

Less addiction. More awareness.

Less norms. More conscience.

Less mindless. More mindfulness.

Credit: Dewi "Dee" Lestari

Finally, a new source of happiness

So i finally decide to write a blog! Yeay ^.^
Munculnya blog ini merupakan bukti nyata betapa tugas-tugas kuliah uda ga seberat dulu..

Ok, so.. I'm a newbie here, without any blogging experience. Sejauh ini saya cuma menulis saat mengerjakan PR, memberi nama pada buku pelajaran, menyalin catatan teman, dan mengisi daftar hadir pesta pernikahan. Harap maklum bila masih banyak kekurangan. Thankss!

After reading the previous paragraph I can imagine you wondering what the heck am I doing here. Well, there's a beginning to everything! Ide awalnya simpel sih. I want to be your source of happiness! Is that point accepted? Alriteeee.. Let's get it started!